February 8, 2025


Celine Parreñas Shimizu is an internationally-screened and award-winning filmmaker. Distributed by Progressive Films and Third World Newsreel, her films are Mahal Means Love and Expensive (1993), Her Uprooting Plants Her (1995), Super Flip (1997), The Fact of Asian Women (2004), winner of four festival awards, and Birthright (2009), winner of Best Feature Documentary at the Big Mini DV Festival in 2009. Her films are distributed by Progressive Films and Third World Newsreel.

Her latest film The Celine Archive (2020) won several festival awards and is distributed by Women Make Movies. She has served as a reviewer for the Ford Foundation  and the National Endowment for the Humanities. 

She also worked as a consultant to films by Julie Shigekuni and Ramona Diaz and as a production designer and art director for films by Ernesto Foronda, Cauleen Smith, Dawn Suggs, and others.

Her articles about the filmmaking process are included in the books Pinay Power and Countervisions. Her conversation with Helen Lee, “Two Meditations on Race and Sexuality” is included in the journal Signs.

Behind the scenes, making The Celine Archive (2020).